2019-12-11 16:13:19 +01:00
// +build !windows
2019-11-19 18:00:20 +01:00
package main
import (
//TODO: test file permissions
func Test_caSummary ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , "ca <flags>: create a self signed certificate authority" , caSummary ( ) )
func Test_caHelp ( t * testing . T ) {
ob := & bytes . Buffer { }
caHelp ( ob )
assert . Equal (
t ,
"Usage of " + os . Args [ 0 ] + " ca <flags>: create a self signed certificate authority\n" +
" -duration duration\n" +
" \tOptional: amount of time the certificate should be valid for. Valid time units are seconds: \"s\", minutes: \"m\", hours: \"h\" (default 8760h0m0s)\n" +
" -groups string\n" +
" \tOptional: comma separated list of groups. This will limit which groups subordinate certs can use\n" +
" -name string\n" +
" \tRequired: name of the certificate authority\n" +
" -out-crt string\n" +
" \tOptional: path to write the certificate to (default \"ca.crt\")\n" +
" -out-key string\n" +
" \tOptional: path to write the private key to (default \"ca.key\")\n" ,
ob . String ( ) ,
func Test_ca ( t * testing . T ) {
ob := & bytes . Buffer { }
eb := & bytes . Buffer { }
// required args
assertHelpError ( t , ca ( [ ] string { "-out-key" , "nope" , "-out-crt" , "nope" , "duration" , "100m" } , ob , eb ) , "-name is required" )
assert . Equal ( t , "" , ob . String ( ) )
assert . Equal ( t , "" , eb . String ( ) )
// failed key write
ob . Reset ( )
eb . Reset ( )
args := [ ] string { "-name" , "test" , "-duration" , "100m" , "-out-crt" , "/do/not/write/pleasecrt" , "-out-key" , "/do/not/write/pleasekey" }
assert . EqualError ( t , ca ( args , ob , eb ) , "error while writing out-key: open /do/not/write/pleasekey: " + NoSuchDirError )
assert . Equal ( t , "" , ob . String ( ) )
assert . Equal ( t , "" , eb . String ( ) )
// create temp key file
keyF , err := ioutil . TempFile ( "" , "test.key" )
assert . Nil ( t , err )
os . Remove ( keyF . Name ( ) )
// failed cert write
ob . Reset ( )
eb . Reset ( )
args = [ ] string { "-name" , "test" , "-duration" , "100m" , "-out-crt" , "/do/not/write/pleasecrt" , "-out-key" , keyF . Name ( ) }
assert . EqualError ( t , ca ( args , ob , eb ) , "error while writing out-crt: open /do/not/write/pleasecrt: " + NoSuchDirError )
assert . Equal ( t , "" , ob . String ( ) )
assert . Equal ( t , "" , eb . String ( ) )
// create temp cert file
crtF , err := ioutil . TempFile ( "" , "test.crt" )
assert . Nil ( t , err )
os . Remove ( crtF . Name ( ) )
os . Remove ( keyF . Name ( ) )
// test proper cert with removed empty groups and subnets
ob . Reset ( )
eb . Reset ( )
args = [ ] string { "-name" , "test" , "-duration" , "100m" , "-groups" , "1,, 2 , ,,,3,4,5" , "-out-crt" , crtF . Name ( ) , "-out-key" , keyF . Name ( ) }
assert . Nil ( t , ca ( args , ob , eb ) )
assert . Equal ( t , "" , ob . String ( ) )
assert . Equal ( t , "" , eb . String ( ) )
// read cert and key files
rb , _ := ioutil . ReadFile ( keyF . Name ( ) )
lKey , b , err := cert . UnmarshalEd25519PrivateKey ( rb )
assert . Len ( t , b , 0 )
assert . Nil ( t , err )
assert . Len ( t , lKey , 64 )
rb , _ = ioutil . ReadFile ( crtF . Name ( ) )
lCrt , b , err := cert . UnmarshalNebulaCertificateFromPEM ( rb )
assert . Len ( t , b , 0 )
assert . Nil ( t , err )
assert . Equal ( t , "test" , lCrt . Details . Name )
assert . Len ( t , lCrt . Details . Ips , 0 )
assert . True ( t , lCrt . Details . IsCA )
assert . Equal ( t , [ ] string { "1" , "2" , "3" , "4" , "5" } , lCrt . Details . Groups )
assert . Len ( t , lCrt . Details . Subnets , 0 )
assert . Len ( t , lCrt . Details . PublicKey , 32 )
assert . Equal ( t , time . Duration ( time . Minute * 100 ) , lCrt . Details . NotAfter . Sub ( lCrt . Details . NotBefore ) )
assert . Equal ( t , "" , lCrt . Details . Issuer )
assert . True ( t , lCrt . CheckSignature ( lCrt . Details . PublicKey ) )
// create valid cert/key for overwrite tests
os . Remove ( keyF . Name ( ) )
os . Remove ( crtF . Name ( ) )
ob . Reset ( )
eb . Reset ( )
args = [ ] string { "-name" , "test" , "-duration" , "100m" , "-groups" , "1,, 2 , ,,,3,4,5" , "-out-crt" , crtF . Name ( ) , "-out-key" , keyF . Name ( ) }
assert . Nil ( t , ca ( args , ob , eb ) )
// test that we won't overwrite existing certificate file
ob . Reset ( )
eb . Reset ( )
args = [ ] string { "-name" , "test" , "-duration" , "100m" , "-groups" , "1,, 2 , ,,,3,4,5" , "-out-crt" , crtF . Name ( ) , "-out-key" , keyF . Name ( ) }
assert . EqualError ( t , ca ( args , ob , eb ) , "refusing to overwrite existing CA key: " + keyF . Name ( ) )
assert . Equal ( t , "" , ob . String ( ) )
assert . Equal ( t , "" , eb . String ( ) )
// test that we won't overwrite existing key file
os . Remove ( keyF . Name ( ) )
ob . Reset ( )
eb . Reset ( )
args = [ ] string { "-name" , "test" , "-duration" , "100m" , "-groups" , "1,, 2 , ,,,3,4,5" , "-out-crt" , crtF . Name ( ) , "-out-key" , keyF . Name ( ) }
assert . EqualError ( t , ca ( args , ob , eb ) , "refusing to overwrite existing CA cert: " + crtF . Name ( ) )
assert . Equal ( t , "" , ob . String ( ) )
assert . Equal ( t , "" , eb . String ( ) )
os . Remove ( keyF . Name ( ) )