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// +build e2e_testing
package e2e
import (
2021-03-31 17:26:35 +02:00
2021-03-31 17:26:35 +02:00
func TestGoodHandshake(t *testing.T) {
ca, _, caKey, _ := newTestCaCert(time.Now(), time.Now().Add(10*time.Minute), []*net.IPNet{}, []*net.IPNet{}, []string{})
2021-03-31 17:26:35 +02:00
myControl, myVpnIp, myUdpAddr := newSimpleServer(ca, caKey, "me", net.IP{10, 0, 0, 1})
theirControl, theirVpnIp, theirUdpAddr := newSimpleServer(ca, caKey, "them", net.IP{10, 0, 0, 2})
// Put their info in our lighthouse
2021-03-31 17:26:35 +02:00
myControl.InjectLightHouseAddr(theirVpnIp, theirUdpAddr)
// Start the servers
// Send a udp packet through to begin standing up the tunnel, this should come out the other side
2021-03-31 17:26:35 +02:00
myControl.InjectTunUDPPacket(theirVpnIp, 80, 80, []byte("Hi from me"))
// Have them consume my stage 0 packet. They have a tunnel now
// Get their stage 1 packet so that we can play with it
stage1Packet := theirControl.GetFromUDP(true)
// I consume a garbage packet with a proper nebula header for our tunnel
// this should log a statement and get ignored, allowing the real handshake packet to complete the tunnel
badPacket := stage1Packet.Copy()
badPacket.Data = badPacket.Data[:len(badPacket.Data)-nebula.HeaderLen]
// Have me consume their real stage 1 packet. I have a tunnel now
// Wait until we see my cached packet come through
myControl.WaitForType(1, 0, theirControl)
// Make sure our host infos are correct
2021-03-31 17:26:35 +02:00
assertHostInfoPair(t, myUdpAddr, theirUdpAddr, myVpnIp, theirVpnIp, myControl, theirControl)
// Get that cached packet and make sure it looks right
myCachedPacket := theirControl.GetFromTun(true)
2021-03-31 17:26:35 +02:00
assertUdpPacket(t, []byte("Hi from me"), myCachedPacket, myVpnIp, theirVpnIp, 80, 80)
2021-03-31 17:26:35 +02:00
// Do a bidirectional tunnel test
assertTunnel(t, myVpnIp, theirVpnIp, myControl, theirControl, router.NewR(myControl, theirControl))
2021-03-31 17:26:35 +02:00
//TODO: assert hostmaps
func TestWrongResponderHandshake(t *testing.T) {
ca, _, caKey, _ := newTestCaCert(time.Now(), time.Now().Add(10*time.Minute), []*net.IPNet{}, []*net.IPNet{}, []string{})
myControl, myVpnIp, myUdpAddr := newSimpleServer(ca, caKey, "me", net.IP{10, 0, 0, 1})
theirControl, theirVpnIp, theirUdpAddr := newSimpleServer(ca, caKey, "them", net.IP{10, 0, 0, 2})
evilControl, evilVpnIp, evilUdpAddr := newSimpleServer(ca, caKey, "evil", net.IP{10, 0, 0, 99})
2021-04-01 00:32:02 +02:00
// Add their real udp addr, which should be tried after evil. Doing this first because learned addresses are prepended
2021-03-31 17:26:35 +02:00
myControl.InjectLightHouseAddr(theirVpnIp, theirUdpAddr)
2021-04-01 00:32:02 +02:00
// Put the evil udp addr in for their vpn Ip, this is a case of being lied to by the lighthouse. This will now be the first attempted ip
myControl.InjectLightHouseAddr(theirVpnIp, evilUdpAddr)
2021-03-31 17:26:35 +02:00
// Build a router so we don't have to reason who gets which packet
r := router.NewR(myControl, theirControl, evilControl)
// Start the servers
t.Log("Stand up the tunnel with evil (because the lighthouse cache is lying to us about who it is)")
myControl.InjectTunUDPPacket(theirVpnIp, 80, 80, []byte("Hi from me"))
t.Log("I should have a tunnel with evil now and there should not be a cached packet waiting for us")
assertTunnel(t, myVpnIp, evilVpnIp, myControl, evilControl, r)
assertHostInfoPair(t, myUdpAddr, evilUdpAddr, myVpnIp, evilVpnIp, myControl, evilControl)
//TODO: Assert pending hostmap - I should have a correct hostinfo for them now
t.Log("Lets let the messages fly, this time we should have a tunnel with them")
t.Log("I should now have a tunnel with them now and my original packet should get there")
r.RouteUntilAfterMsgType(myControl, 1, 0)
myCachedPacket := theirControl.GetFromTun(true)
assertUdpPacket(t, []byte("Hi from me"), myCachedPacket, myVpnIp, theirVpnIp, 80, 80)
t.Log("I should now have a proper tunnel with them")
assertHostInfoPair(t, myUdpAddr, theirUdpAddr, myVpnIp, theirVpnIp, myControl, theirControl)
assertTunnel(t, myVpnIp, theirVpnIp, myControl, theirControl, r)
t.Log("Lets make sure evil is still good")
assertTunnel(t, myVpnIp, evilVpnIp, myControl, evilControl, r)
//TODO: assert hostmaps for everyone
//TODO: myControl is attempting to shut down 2 tunnels but is blocked on the udp txChan after the first close message
// what we really need here is a way to exit all the go routines loops (there are many)
2021-03-31 17:26:35 +02:00
////TODO: We need to test lies both as the race winner and race loser
//func TestManyWrongResponderHandshake(t *testing.T) {
// ca, _, caKey, _ := newTestCaCert(time.Now(), time.Now().Add(10*time.Minute), []*net.IPNet{}, []*net.IPNet{}, []string{})
// myControl, myVpnIp, myUdpAddr := newSimpleServer(ca, caKey, "me", net.IP{10, 0, 0, 99})
// theirControl, theirVpnIp, theirUdpAddr := newSimpleServer(ca, caKey, "them", net.IP{10, 0, 0, 2})
// evilControl, evilVpnIp, evilUdpAddr := newSimpleServer(ca, caKey, "evil", net.IP{10, 0, 0, 1})
// t.Log("Build a router so we don't have to reason who gets which packet")
// r := newRouter(myControl, theirControl, evilControl)
// t.Log("Lets add more than 10 evil addresses, this exceeds the hostinfo remotes limit")
// for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
// addr := net.UDPAddr{IP: evilUdpAddr.IP, Port: evilUdpAddr.Port + i}
// myControl.InjectLightHouseAddr(theirVpnIp, &addr)
// // We also need to tell our router about it
// r.AddRoute(addr.IP, uint16(addr.Port), evilControl)
// }
// // Start the servers
// myControl.Start()
// theirControl.Start()
// evilControl.Start()
// t.Log("Stand up the tunnel with evil (because the lighthouse cache is lying to us about who it is)")
// myControl.InjectTunUDPPacket(theirVpnIp, 80, 80, []byte("Hi from me"))
// t.Log("We need to spin until we get to the right remote for them")
// getOut := false
// injected := false
// for {
// t.Log("Routing for me and evil while we work through the bad ips")
// r.RouteExitFunc(myControl, func(packet *nebula.UdpPacket, receiver *nebula.Control) exitType {
// // We should stop routing right after we see a packet coming from us to them
// if *receiver == *theirControl {
// getOut = true
// return drainAndExit
// }
// // We need to poke our real ip in at some point, this is a well protected check looking for that moment
// if *receiver == *evilControl {
// hi := myControl.GetHostInfoByVpnIP(ip2int(theirVpnIp), true)
// if !injected && len(hi.RemoteAddrs) == 1 {
// t.Log("I am on my last ip for them, time to inject the real one into my lighthouse")
// myControl.InjectLightHouseAddr(theirVpnIp, theirUdpAddr)
// injected = true
// }
// return drainAndExit
// }
// return keepRouting
// })
// if getOut {
// break
// }
// r.RouteForUntilAfterToAddr(evilControl, myUdpAddr, drainAndExit)
// }
// t.Log("I should have a tunnel with evil and them, evil should not have a cached packet")
// assertTunnel(t, myVpnIp, evilVpnIp, myControl, evilControl, r)
// evilHostInfo := myControl.GetHostInfoByVpnIP(ip2int(evilVpnIp), false)
// realEvilUdpAddr := &net.UDPAddr{IP: evilHostInfo.CurrentRemote.IP, Port: int(evilHostInfo.CurrentRemote.Port)}
// t.Log("Assert mine and evil's host pairs", evilUdpAddr, realEvilUdpAddr)
// assertHostInfoPair(t, myUdpAddr, realEvilUdpAddr, myVpnIp, evilVpnIp, myControl, evilControl)
// //t.Log("Draining everyones packets")
// //r.Drain(theirControl)
// //r.DrainAll(myControl, theirControl, evilControl)
// //
// //go func() {
// // for {
// // time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
// // t.Log(len(theirControl.GetUDPTxChan()))
// // t.Log(len(theirControl.GetTunTxChan()))
// // t.Log(len(myControl.GetUDPTxChan()))
// // t.Log(len(evilControl.GetUDPTxChan()))
// // t.Log("=====")
// // }
// //}()
// t.Log("I should have a tunnel with them now and my original packet should get there")
// r.RouteUntilAfterMsgType(myControl, 1, 0)
// myCachedPacket := theirControl.GetFromTun(true)
// t.Log("Got the cached packet, lets test the tunnel")
// assertUdpPacket(t, []byte("Hi from me"), myCachedPacket, myVpnIp, theirVpnIp, 80, 80)
// t.Log("Testing tunnels with them")
// assertHostInfoPair(t, myUdpAddr, theirUdpAddr, myVpnIp, theirVpnIp, myControl, theirControl)
// assertTunnel(t, myVpnIp, theirVpnIp, myControl, theirControl, r)
// t.Log("Testing tunnels with evil")
// assertTunnel(t, myVpnIp, evilVpnIp, myControl, evilControl, r)
// //TODO: assert hostmaps for everyone