# Meta Data for SEO ## Homepage title = "Loi.re" titleSeparator = "-" titleAddition = "Services Numériques Libres" description = "Loi.re propose des services numériques Open Sources hébergés dans le département de *la Loire (42)*." ## Documentation # docsVersion = "0.3" ## Open Graph images = ["doks.png"] ogLocale = "fr_FR" domainTLD = "doks.netlify.app" titleHome = "Doks Theme" ## Twitter Cards twitterSite = "@getdoks" twitterCreator = "@henkverlinde" ## JSON-LD # schemaType = "Person" schemaType = "Organization" schemaName = "Doks" schemaAuthor = "Henk Verlinde" schemaAuthorTwitter = "https://twitter.com/henkverlinde" schemaAuthorLinkedIn = "https://www.linkedin.com/in/henkverlinde/" schemaAuthorGitHub = "https://github.com/h-enk" schemaLocale = "en-US" schemaLogo = "logo-doks.png" schemaLogoWidth = 512 schemaLogoHeight = 512 schemaImage = "doks.png" schemaImageWidth = 1280 schemaImageHeight = 640 schemaTwitter = "https://twitter.com/getdoks" schemaLinkedIn = "" schemaGitHub = "https://github.com/h-enk/doks" schemaSection = "blog" ## Sitelinks Search Box siteLinksSearchBox = false ## Chrome Browser themeColor = "#fff" # Images - Temporarily left in place for backward compatibility quality = 85 bgColor = "#fff" landscapePhotoWidths = [900, 800, 700, 600, 500] portraitPhotoWidths = [800, 700, 600, 500] lqipWidth = "20x" smallLimit = "300" # Images imageResponsive = true imageConvertTo = "webp" imageImageSizes = ["480","720","1080","1280","1600","2048"] singleSize = false imageAddClass = "img-fluid lazyload blur-up" ### Image template defaultImage = "default-image.png" # put in `./assets/images/` fillImage = "1270x740 Center" # normalize image size # Footer footer = "Réalisé par Weko avec ❤️ et Hébergé par RésiLien 🐱" # Feed copyRight = "Copyright (c) 2023 Weko" # Alert alert = true alertDismissable = true # alertText = "Introducing the Doks child theme, several DX + UX updates, and more! Check out Doks v0.2" alertText = "Ce site est en construction !" # Edit Page # repoHost [Github | Gitea | GitLab | Bitbucket | BitbucketServer ] is used for building the edit link based on git hoster #repoHost = "GitHub" repoHost = "Gitea" docsRepo = "https://git.resilien.fr/Weko/loi.re" docsRepoBranch = "main" docsRepoSubPath = "" editPage = false lastMod = false [sections] sectionNav = ["docs", "guides"] [options] lazySizes = true clipBoard = true instantPage = true flexSearch = true searchSectionsShow = [] searchSectionsIndex = [] darkMode = true bootStrapJs = true breadCrumb = false highLight = true kaTex = false multilingualMode = false docsVersioning = false fullWidth = false navbarSticky = true toTopButton = false scrollSpy = false # experimental; needs Bootstrap >= 5.2.0-beta1 [menu] [menu.section] auto = true collapsibleSidebar = true