feat: Ajout de la conférence les-logiciels-libres-Collaboration-et-Innovation-pour-tous
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing Details

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Simon 2024-03-21 13:14:44 +01:00
parent ab7fdfa6f6
commit 9235740107
73 changed files with 1232 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
// Default mixins and settings ----------------- // Default mixins and settings -----------------
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@ -50,5 +50,5 @@ section.present.bottom {
// Theme template ------------------------------ // Theme template ------------------------------
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// --------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------

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Subproject commit 92bcef7bfad85668f42b4f72844a259e00d56a3e Subproject commit 5e38035fe41f64cbf08acf85138e15f0a09a3830